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Catholic Healthcare offers a wide range of aged care services from Retirement Living villages through to Home Care Services and Residential Aged Care, each with their own set of policies and documents. Please select the relevant tab below for the service type you are working in to view the current policies and documents.
ALL contractors
Code of Conduct Policy
This lays out in simple and easy to understand terms the standards of professional workplace behaviour expected from all Catholic Healthcare employees. These standards help CHL maintain essential levels of care and service and to build a strong, positive reputation as an employer and aged care service provider.
Privacy Policy
- To clearly communicate the personal information handling practices of Catholic Healthcare; and
- To give individuals a better and more complete understanding of the sort of personal information Catholic Healthcare collects and the way we handle that information.
Who: This Privacy Policy Statement applies to all Catholic Healthcare services (Services) including Healthcare Services, Residential Aged Care Services and Retirement Villages Services, Community Services, and any of the facilities and entities operated by Catholic Healthcare.
Open Disclosure Policy
Catholic Healthcare is a values-based, for purpose provider of quality aged and health care services. Our mission, to promote life in all its fullness, informs all that we do.
Consistent with our mission, Catholic Healthcare is enacting this Policy with the aim of promoting trust, transparency, and greater collaboration in our relationships with our residents, clients, and families. This includes, in circumstances where a person may have suffered harm, and in line with Government policy, consultation with those impacted, the rendering an apology in line this this policy where needed, and diligently working to improve practices and prevent reoccurrence.
Under the Aged Care Quality Standards, in particular Standard 6 (feedback and complaints) and Standard 8 (organisational governance), Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) is expected to demonstrate open disclosure when adverse events occur. It is intended to create an environment:-
- that reduces harm to consumers.
- where consumers feel supported and are encouraged to identify and report adverse events.
- where consumers are given an opportunity to express their concerns and ask questions.
- where CHL has opportunities to find and act on things that can improve its systems.
- where CHL will explain to consumers what has happened, why it happened, what is being done to prevent it from happening again; and
- where CHL will apologise or express regret for adverse events.
Modern Slavery Statement
Catholic Healthcare supports initiatives aimed at developing a more compassionate and humane society, in which the dignity of each human person is respected.
Modern Slavery Policy
This policy is intended to identify, assess and address modern slavery risks in Catholic Healthcare’s business and supply chains and ensure compliance with requirements under both State and Commonwealth modern slavery legislation.
Code of conduct for Aged Care
This lays out in simple and easy to understand terms the standards of professional workplace behaviour expected from all Catholic Healthcare employees. These standards help CHL maintain essential levels of care and service and to build a strong, positive reputation as an employer and aged care service provider.
Code of Conduct Policy
Residential Aged Care
Psychotropic Medication & Chemical Restraint Policy
To provide policy, position and/or procedural information on Psychotropic Medication Management which includes:
- Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care (RAC) specific and in line with the Mission, Vision and Values of the organisation.
- Consistent with State & Commonwealth legislation & Aged Care Quality Standards.
- Representative of contemporary, evidenced- based best practice in Residential Aged Care.
- CHL strives to preserve the dignity, autonomy, safety, and human rights of the Resident (Consumer).
- Management and staff are committed to appropriate behavioural and care management to avoid the use of Chemical Restraint.
Who: This policy applies to residential care employees of CHL. Only Registered Nurses can complete the Care Plan Evaluation for this policy.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Policy
To provide policy, position and/or procedural information on Antimicrobial Stewardship which includes:
- Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care (RAC) specific and in line with the Mission, Vision and Values of the organisation
- Consistent with State & Commonwealth legislation & Aged Care Quality Standards
- Representative of contemporary, evidenced- based best practice in Residential Aged Care
CHL RAC Homes will: - Adopt measures in order to adhere with the Antimicrobial Stewardship Clinical Care Standards and ensure that a Resident (Consumer) with an infection receives optimal treatment.
Medication Manual
This framework and manual have been developed to provide medication policy and procedural information for staff working in a Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care Home (RAC).
The manual has been developed considering the circumstances of the Home, consideration of Commonwealth and State (NSW and QLD) legislative requirements, guidelines, and contemporary practice within the aged and health care sectors.
Restrictive Practice Policy & Procedure
To provide policy, position and/or procedural information on Restrictive Practice which includes:
- Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care (RAC) specific and in line with the Mission, Vision and Values of the organisation.
- Consistent with State & Commonwealth legislation & Aged Care Quality Standards.
- Representative of contemporary, evidenced- based best practice in Residential Aged Care.
- CHL strives to preserve the dignity, autonomy, safety, and human rights of the Resident (Consumer).
- Management and staff are committed to appropriate behavioural and care management to avoid the use of a restrictive practice.
- Restrictive practice only considered after exhausting all reasonable alternative strategies. In these circumstances, a restrictive practice in relation to a resident is used only:
- as a last resort and for the shortest time, necessary to prevent harm to the resident or other persons; and
- after consideration of the likely impact of the use of the practice on the resident.
Who: This policy applies to Residential care employees of CHL. Only Registered Nurses can complete the Assessment and Restrictive Practice Authorisation and Evaluation procedures for this policy. All nursing staff can apply, document, and release Restrictive Practices in accordance with the procedure and a Resident’s Care Plan.
Incident Management System Manual
The purpose of this policy is to ensure CHL RAC Homes
- provide safe, quality care and services for residents.
- promote a culture of reporting, with a focus on understanding, learning and improvement.
- take a systematic approach to minimising the risk of incidents occurring.
- support residents, their families/representatives and staff appropriately should an incident occur.
- resolve any incidents that may occur.
- take action to prevent incidents from recurring.
- Carry out ongoing reviews of internal incident management systems and processes with a view to learning and improvement.
Code of Conduct Policy for RAC
This Code of Conduct applies to Catholic Healthcare Limited ABN 69 064 946 318 (“Us”, “Our”, “We”), visitors and representatives of our residents and Our contractors, agents and volunteers, and all people either within our aged care services (Homes) and/or interacting with our residents and/or employees (Visitors).
- Compliance with this Code of Conduct is a condition of entry to Our Homes.
- This Code is necessary in order to ensure the rights of those living at, working at and visiting Our Homes are respected.
Psychotropic Medication & Chemical Restraint Policy
Home Care Services
Incident Reporting and Management Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the rules, roles, and responsibilities for managing incidents across Home & Community Services (HCS).
Transportation of Clients Policy
To ensure that all staff and volunteers, have knowledge of and adhere to their responsibilities when
transporting clients. -
Infection Prevention and Control Policy
Reducing the risk of infection is a priority for Catholic Healthcare Home & Community Services. All reasonable and practical precautions shall be taken to prevent the spread of infection and maintain health and safety of all clients, staff, visitors and volunteers.
Recognising and Responding to Abuse
The purpose of this policy is to ensure our people are equipped to identify and respond to abuse and neglect to minimise the risk and harm of elder abuse to Catholic Healthcare (CHL) clients. All Australians have rights, which do not diminish with age, to live dignified, self-determined lives, from exploitation, violence and abuse.
Client not Responding to Scheduled Visit
The Customer Care Team is responsible for locating clients who are not responding to their scheduled visit. If not found the Customer Care Team is responsible for initiating a welfare check on the same day the client was notified as not being home or responding to a scheduled visit.
Incident Reporting and Management Policy
Retirement Living
Elder Abuse Policy and Procedure
Purpose: The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline the requirements for prevention, identification and responding to elder abuse in a Catholic Healthcare (CHL) Retirement Living Village.
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Purpose: This policy and procedure is made pursuant to Part 4 of the Retirement Village Regulation 2017 (NSW) as amended by the Retirement Villages Amendment (Rules of Conduct for Operators) Regulation 2019 (NSW), which requires operators and its employees to avoid conflicts of interests.
Elder Abuse Policy and Procedure
Code of Conduct Policy
This lays out in simple and easy to understand terms the standards of professional workplace behaviour expected from all Catholic Healthcare employees. These standards help CHL maintain essential levels of care and service and to build a strong, positive reputation as an employer and aged care service provider.
Privacy Policy
- To clearly communicate the personal information handling practices of Catholic Healthcare; and
- To give individuals a better and more complete understanding of the sort of personal information Catholic Healthcare collects and the way we handle that information.
Who: This Privacy Policy Statement applies to all Catholic Healthcare services (Services) including Healthcare Services, Residential Aged Care Services and Retirement Villages Services, Community Services, and any of the facilities and entities operated by Catholic Healthcare.
Open Disclosure Policy
Catholic Healthcare is a values-based, for purpose provider of quality aged and health care services. Our mission, to promote life in all its fullness, informs all that we do.
Consistent with our mission, Catholic Healthcare is enacting this Policy with the aim of promoting trust, transparency, and greater collaboration in our relationships with our residents, clients, and families. This includes, in circumstances where a person may have suffered harm, and in line with Government policy, consultation with those impacted, the rendering an apology in line this this policy where needed, and diligently working to improve practices and prevent reoccurrence.
Under the Aged Care Quality Standards, in particular Standard 6 (feedback and complaints) and Standard 8 (organisational governance), Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) is expected to demonstrate open disclosure when adverse events occur. It is intended to create an environment:-
- that reduces harm to consumers.
- where consumers feel supported and are encouraged to identify and report adverse events.
- where consumers are given an opportunity to express their concerns and ask questions.
- where CHL has opportunities to find and act on things that can improve its systems.
- where CHL will explain to consumers what has happened, why it happened, what is being done to prevent it from happening again; and
- where CHL will apologise or express regret for adverse events.
Modern Slavery Statement
Catholic Healthcare supports initiatives aimed at developing a more compassionate and humane society, in which the dignity of each human person is respected.
Modern Slavery Policy
This policy is intended to identify, assess and address modern slavery risks in Catholic Healthcare’s business and supply chains and ensure compliance with requirements under both State and Commonwealth modern slavery legislation.
Code of conduct for Aged Care
This lays out in simple and easy to understand terms the standards of professional workplace behaviour expected from all Catholic Healthcare employees. These standards help CHL maintain essential levels of care and service and to build a strong, positive reputation as an employer and aged care service provider.
Psychotropic Medication & Chemical Restraint Policy
To provide policy, position and/or procedural information on Psychotropic Medication Management which includes:
- Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care (RAC) specific and in line with the Mission, Vision and Values of the organisation.
- Consistent with State & Commonwealth legislation & Aged Care Quality Standards.
- Representative of contemporary, evidenced- based best practice in Residential Aged Care.
- CHL strives to preserve the dignity, autonomy, safety, and human rights of the Resident (Consumer).
- Management and staff are committed to appropriate behavioural and care management to avoid the use of Chemical Restraint.
Who: This policy applies to residential care employees of CHL. Only Registered Nurses can complete the Care Plan Evaluation for this policy.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Policy
To provide policy, position and/or procedural information on Antimicrobial Stewardship which includes:
- Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care (RAC) specific and in line with the Mission, Vision and Values of the organisation
- Consistent with State & Commonwealth legislation & Aged Care Quality Standards
- Representative of contemporary, evidenced- based best practice in Residential Aged Care
CHL RAC Homes will: - Adopt measures in order to adhere with the Antimicrobial Stewardship Clinical Care Standards and ensure that a Resident (Consumer) with an infection receives optimal treatment.
Medication Manual
This framework and manual have been developed to provide medication policy and procedural information for staff working in a Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care Home (RAC).
The manual has been developed considering the circumstances of the Home, consideration of Commonwealth and State (NSW and QLD) legislative requirements, guidelines, and contemporary practice within the aged and health care sectors.
Restrictive Practice Policy & Procedure
To provide policy, position and/or procedural information on Restrictive Practice which includes:
- Catholic Healthcare Limited (CHL) Residential Aged Care (RAC) specific and in line with the Mission, Vision and Values of the organisation.
- Consistent with State & Commonwealth legislation & Aged Care Quality Standards.
- Representative of contemporary, evidenced- based best practice in Residential Aged Care.
- CHL strives to preserve the dignity, autonomy, safety, and human rights of the Resident (Consumer).
- Management and staff are committed to appropriate behavioural and care management to avoid the use of a restrictive practice.
- Restrictive practice only considered after exhausting all reasonable alternative strategies. In these circumstances, a restrictive practice in relation to a resident is used only:
- as a last resort and for the shortest time, necessary to prevent harm to the resident or other persons; and
- after consideration of the likely impact of the use of the practice on the resident.
Who: This policy applies to Residential care employees of CHL. Only Registered Nurses can complete the Assessment and Restrictive Practice Authorisation and Evaluation procedures for this policy. All nursing staff can apply, document, and release Restrictive Practices in accordance with the procedure and a Resident’s Care Plan.
Incident Management System Manual
The purpose of this policy is to ensure CHL RAC Homes
- provide safe, quality care and services for residents.
- promote a culture of reporting, with a focus on understanding, learning and improvement.
- take a systematic approach to minimising the risk of incidents occurring.
- support residents, their families/representatives and staff appropriately should an incident occur.
- resolve any incidents that may occur.
- take action to prevent incidents from recurring.
- Carry out ongoing reviews of internal incident management systems and processes with a view to learning and improvement.
Code of Conduct Policy for RAC
This Code of Conduct applies to Catholic Healthcare Limited ABN 69 064 946 318 (“Us”, “Our”, “We”), visitors and representatives of our residents and Our contractors, agents and volunteers, and all people either within our aged care services (Homes) and/or interacting with our residents and/or employees (Visitors).
- Compliance with this Code of Conduct is a condition of entry to Our Homes.
- This Code is necessary in order to ensure the rights of those living at, working at and visiting Our Homes are respected.
Incident Reporting and Management Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline the rules, roles, and responsibilities for managing incidents across Home & Community Services (HCS).
Transportation of Clients Policy
To ensure that all staff and volunteers, have knowledge of and adhere to their responsibilities when
transporting clients. -
Infection Prevention and Control Policy
Reducing the risk of infection is a priority for Catholic Healthcare Home & Community Services. All reasonable and practical precautions shall be taken to prevent the spread of infection and maintain health and safety of all clients, staff, visitors and volunteers.
Recognising and Responding to Abuse
The purpose of this policy is to ensure our people are equipped to identify and respond to abuse and neglect to minimise the risk and harm of elder abuse to Catholic Healthcare (CHL) clients. All Australians have rights, which do not diminish with age, to live dignified, self-determined lives, from exploitation, violence and abuse.
Client not Responding to Scheduled Visit
The Customer Care Team is responsible for locating clients who are not responding to their scheduled visit. If not found the Customer Care Team is responsible for initiating a welfare check on the same day the client was notified as not being home or responding to a scheduled visit.
Elder Abuse Policy and Procedure
Purpose: The purpose of this policy and procedure is to outline the requirements for prevention, identification and responding to elder abuse in a Catholic Healthcare (CHL) Retirement Living Village.
Conflicts of Interest Policy
Purpose: This policy and procedure is made pursuant to Part 4 of the Retirement Village Regulation 2017 (NSW) as amended by the Retirement Villages Amendment (Rules of Conduct for Operators) Regulation 2019 (NSW), which requires operators and its employees to avoid conflicts of interests.