Your feedback is invaluable to us.
Please share any comments, complaints, or suggestions below, and our friendly team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Should you have any concerns regarding our services, please contact us so that we can resolve the issue.
We take all complaints seriously and are committed to working closely with you and the relevant business contacts to find a resolution to your concern.

We greatly value hearing from our customers about their experiences with Catholic Healthcare. Your feedback helps us know when we're building positive customer relationships and improves our services as needed.
If you've had a positive experience with one of our team members or services, please let us know. We'll ensure your comments are passed along to the relevant department or individual.
Translation Services
Translating and Interpreting Service: Call 131 450 or visit
Document translations: Visit (NSW) or call 137 468 for services in QLD.
Australia-wide: Visit, to find a national directory of translators and interpreters. NAATI provides a directory of participating translators/interpreters.