December 11, 2021

Residential Aged Care, CHL, Forbes Orange Bathurst

Residential Aged Care, CHL, Forbes Orange Bathurst
October 12, 2021
Meet John Moran
Meet John Moran, Diversional Therapist at St Catherine’s Residential Aged Care in Bathurst. John’s role involves contributing to a ‘lifestyle of fun and experience’ for the residents. He certainly achieves this in his work, taking advantage of his skills and experience as a talented musician, artist and performer.

Home Care Services, CHL, Wagga Wagga Tumut
September 23, 2021
Wagga Wellness Centre Olympics Extravaganza!
Clients from the Wagga Wagga Wellness Centre participated in a belated Olympics extravaganza event, after training hard and preparing for many weeks! The program of events included traditional and not-so-traditional games and sports such as bowling, discus, target shooting, basketball, a bean-bag toss and volleyball.

Residential Aged Care, CHL, Blue Mountains
June 17, 2021
Happy 100th Birthday to Joan!
Happy 100th birthday to Joan - a resident of Bodington Aged Care in Wentworth Falls. Joan has been living at Bodington over four years and today she turns 100. Joan enjoyed the celebration with her second cousin, David, fellow residents of Bodington and care staff.

Residential Aged Care, Home Care Services, CHL, Wagga Wagga Tumut
April 21, 2021
Healthcare Referrers Exchanging Insights and Welcoming Clients
"The first step on the road to a participatory approach to aged care is for people to change how they think about older people. We need to banish the perception that older people are dependent, frail and unable to contribute – that they have to be passive recipients of care.